Nancy Cycles!

Nancy Cycles!
"You got to be careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there." ... Yogi Berra

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Tuesday, 10/1/2013

Mary and Frank display our disappointed notice

We are all saddened, disappointed and frustrated by the closing of the National Parks. I won't wax political here and will stop with that statement.

The first part of our route was on a highway. Headwind, chipseal, and rumble strips are not the cyclists best friends. The most I can say is that we had a wide enough shoulder to feel safe. After that we rode on a dedicated paved bike path to our lunch stop.

At the beginning of the bike trail we made a stop at Red Canyon Visitor Center, which was of course closed. We did take a little mile long walk through the area and Kirk, a horticulturist, did some show and tell of the trees and other vegetation.

Hiking up the hill
Kirk explains about he Pinion Pine Nuts that were an important food source


Kirk has a rapt audience


Peter smells the Ponderosa Pine for a hint of Vanilla
A better photo of George, who retired to Bend


Frank begins the uphill walk
David listens attentively
A microcosm of Bryce Canyon

After our hike we began the ride on the bike path. This would start the climb to our destination. Even with the hills we had to climb, it was a delightful 8+ mile path. Compared to yesterday's 13%d er, this seemed fairly easy. Well, at least not a struggle even if in the granniest of gears. The path wound up, down and around through a canyon that afforded us some nice views,

A view from the trail across the car traffic road

We reached Ruby's Inn (established in 1916) at the edge of the Park a bit too early to check in. We did do the additional couple of miles bike ride to the CLOSED gate -- just because. Ruby's owns a huge amount of land. We drove to a viewpoint on the private land and took a half hour walk along the rim to get at least a glimpse of some of the Canyon.


On our walk along the rim on Ruby's land



Not nearly as spectacular as the real thing, but we did the best we could. Tomorrow our plan of biking and/or hiking in Bryce Canyon has changed to biking to a state park and another area.


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