Nancy Cycles!

Nancy Cycles!
"You got to be careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there." ... Yogi Berra

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


The (cycling) weather for us could not have been better for the month of September, and still we were reluctant to welcome two days of heavy rain!! We need that rain and will give into it this upcoming weekend by doing indoor activities that we also enjoy, and we will change our attitude enough to welcome the cooling, rejuvenating rain that could help keep us from a drought.

I rode a lot during the first half of the month and wish to post some of the photos of a few of the rides. These are in no real order but as I say — a smattering ;’-).

A theme of something that makes you happy, or something that makes you sad, was presented as the cycling challenge for this month by one of my online bike groups. I have no intention of posting all the photos I took for that challenge, but there will surely be a few here.

The delightful sunflowers were blooming everywhere and it made me happy to have a few of them peek over the fence to greet me on an afternoon ride.

I am always happy to see ‘art’ work displays by anyone who gives those to us. I stopped for this piece of creativity and thought perhaps it was done by a passing child. But maybe not.

A meander through the Community College on a Sunday was empty of students or others, and allowed a slow ride to enjoy the grounds.

I have ridden here many times in the past and though I have noticed the sculpture, my attention never went to the placard that explains it. I found that quite interesting. A Split Personality as a “self portrait”?

I saw a few items that brought me a smile. Yes, above all else…

Perhaps a Marilyn Monroe fan lives here?

 I love that others care about the ducks too…

MId-month we had a visit from Etienne & Andre and their parents. Well, we were babysitters for one night while the parents went to a party, but we had some time with them the following morning. The Mukilteo Parade was to start at 10:00. So we geared them up for a bike ride before the parade start. Susan noticed other kids with bikes and found there was a ‘kids’ section of the parade to begin soon and we were invited to participate.

A volunteer helped decorate their bikes with streamers.

And we went off to line up for the parade.

It was a short ride for kids cycling, but they had some fun at least and we all rather liked being ‘in the parade’.

I am always happy to see this sign, and wish there were more. At least I do see them in several local areas. It indicates hope for humanity.

I was able to join a recent weekly Tuesday club ride that Cindy leads, and it was a great day for riding and for meeting up with other biking friends. When riding with a group, it is difficult to impossible to stop for photos, so I had to pass up a few I would have taken if on my own ride. We had our lunch stop at the Snohomish Bakery to find that they were not serving lunch fare on Monday and Tuesday until further notice. We assume it is due to lack of staff. They did have baked goods, so we made do with that. When we were leaving I noticed the building next to us had some old ‘art’ work. I am always interested in things painted on building walls from days gone by. This is the only photo I got for today.

I may not be ready for Fall, but there are signs of it now. The leaves of the trees are changing color.

And are falling to the ground.

Though the air does not quite feel ‘crisp’, there is a chill in the air. Pumpkin everything is starting. And…coffeeneuring season is about to start. Off with summer, on with autumn. 

A while back, during winter, I posted this photo of an ivy covered wall.

This was then…

This is now…

There remains another half of the month for more riding, but I will post this one now to avoid being too lengthy. There will of course be more upcoming posts as we enter fall ;’-).

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