Nancy Cycles!

Nancy Cycles!
"You got to be careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there." ... Yogi Berra

Thursday, October 31, 2019


Some of you know about me and challenges! As in, I like non-challenging challenges for some of my bike rides ;’-)

I join a couple of challenges on line or Facebook or club (Ride in the Rain; Bike 30 Days of April; Bike Ride & Seek are a few), but I also make up my own challenge once in a while and today have decided to try for this one. 

It being Halloween Day and I riding my bike and taking a few photos, I will try to do a bike ride on each holiday of the year ;’-). 

Who knows if I will succeed with weather, travel, health, family obligations, etc., but I will like trying.


I started from my house on this sunny mid morning with mostly blue sky and some high, far away clouds. It was, as it has been for several days now, COLD for the start of my ride. Though 42 degrees does not sound so cold, my weather app said it ‘feels like 35’ when I got started. I bundled up quite well and weathered the cold ok. In past years this has not been a cold weather forecast to me — at least not too cold to ride! But here lately I have been quite the wimp but was determined to ride today.

There are lots of yard decorations along my neighborhood route and loops.

But there is one that is very very creepy and I cannot imagine a child willing to go to the door for a trick or treat!

The teeter-totters teetered, the swings swung, the carousel carouseled, the clowns waved or rocked, and there were cackles and murmurs heard amongst the carnival crowd.

I wonder what I will find on Christmas Day!

1 comment:

  1. I posted a reply earlier, but don't see that it went through. I love all the imaginative displays. Thanks for posting these Nancy.
