Nancy Cycles!

Nancy Cycles!
"You got to be careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there." ... Yogi Berra

Thursday, September 10, 2020


Before August becomes too far into history, there are some photos that did not make it into the blog that I will post now. 

This first one is from one of our RV trips and the last day when I rode solo before packing up the campsite. We were in some beautiful place somewhere north of us, and I rode with no traffic — not one car — on this gorgeous flat road. That does not happen very often, and I was delighted.

On one of the rides I do with Cindy we explored what was a new route for me and passed through Holly Farm. This route is a definite keeper and goes on our list of rides we never tire of, and will do again.

It is such a delight when people put out displays that entertain us ;’-).

On a couple of my solo rides I found a few things of interest as well. There was this little library type box set up for your animals as you walked through the neighborhood. Inside the box was a bowl of doggie treats free to take. It was during our hot spell when I saw this, and then I noticed several homes had bowls of water set out at the end of their driveway. Very thoughtful for our furry friends.

During this pandemic when we all cannot roam far from home, some people offer us a bit of activity. The chalk is there for anyone to use, but at the time I did not have my kickstand so no way to park my bike, so I did not add anything. Nice thought though.

I often ride through the Boeing plant and airport, and pass by this little lake. From what I understand, it is named Boeing Lake. Looks more like a lily pond, and you cannot always easily see it if the brush is in full bloom.

That brings me to another water photo. This at Serene Lake where I often stop for a mid ride snack. Can you spot something wrong?

A warning sign to let you know that a duck and her chicks could be crossing the road to the lake. We take our animals and wildlife seriously here.

There are a lot of beautiful and well kept homes in our area. There are a few places that do not meet that criteria. I love old buildings even if they do appear dilapidated. This one does meet that criteria ;’-).

I think that about does if for August. We now head into September and fall, and some early, disturbing wildfires across our state as well as many other western states. That’s a story for next month.

I will close August with this cartoonish looking bear from one of the campgrounds we stayed in. Maybe a smile there.

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