Nancy Cycles!

Nancy Cycles!
"You got to be careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there." ... Yogi Berra

Wednesday, September 9, 2020



OK, so I am a bit late in posting this adventure. Somehow I lost the oom pah pah to write and post, but now have regained some momentum. It probably helps that we are now sheltering in place due to unhealthy air quality. Yes, now we have the smoke from fires in eastern Washington being blown into the western part of the state (us) by strong winds. Strong enough to be called a “windstorm”. All this means that I am not out on my bike for 2-4 days!!! Not sure how I will survive this. More likely, not sure how Susan will.

Jenny’s birthday is August 31st, and their 3 year old son Andre has his on September 3rd. We drove and ferried to their home on the Kitsap Peninsula and spent the night of Jenny’s birthday in our RV at the top of their driveway. Note our daisies by the rock. 

We were sure to bring our bikes along as we knew there would be a family ride or two. First one was on Jenny’s birthday around their neighborhood.

Susan, Etienne, Andre, Jenny (and me behind the camera) all wearing our mask. I am so impressed by these young boys who had no whining and no complaining about wearing a mask. They ‘get it’, and have obviously been taught by their smart and caring parents all about keeping others (us for this weekend) safe. When they were not near someone and could be without the mask, they had it with them ready for when anyone was near. Nice job boys (and parents).

Andre needed a break to do a little work along the way.

I wandered around the blocks for a few photo ops.

Soon it was time to return to the house where we would spend time together on the waterside deck, have our outdoor picnic and and celebrate for Jenny.
We would not be here on Eteinne’s birthday but we did bring his gift. Andre was sure to help him open it.

I missed getting a photo of dinner, but here is the dessert picture. Laurent made the fruit topped pastry, Susan made the applesauce cake. They were both wonderful and I enjoyed a lot of them ;’-). HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNY!

We would depart for home the next day, but first a morning ride through the local golf course on the White Horse Trail. Laurent drove boys and bikes to the ride start a bit more than a mile from home, we other three rode our bikes to meet them.

Etienne rides his pedal bike...


...but gets a try at riding in the WEE HOO. On this ride Andre will be a passenger in the WEE HOO with ability to help Susan pedal up the many hills,

It takes a bit to get this group going, but we make it.

Susan reported that Andre giggled and laughed almost the entire ride, and once going down a hill and around a curve with some speed, he said “I LIKE this adventure”.

We managed to find a spot for our lunch.

We each and all enjoyed this sunny day of adventure and all five of us rode our bikes the entire way home. No dad needed for pick up this time as we would be on a flatter road going home.

As Susan and I were loading our bikes and gear into the van, Andre, the 3 year old, asked if we were leaving. I responded that we were not quite leaving but just packing up stuff for now. Then I asked if he wanted us to leave. He, somewhat quietly said “I want to keep you”. How about that to melt your heart!


  1. What a wonderful time you must have had together! Love Andre's comment at the end!

    1. We had not seen any of them since January!!!! It was a delight to see them and they kept so safe for us with masks and distancing. They are good about that anyway which is why we felt safe to visit. That Andre is adorable even though he has his ‘moments’. Thanks for the comment Suzanne.

  2. Hi Nancy, What a wonderful visit that was. And so nice to see the whole family out biking.
    The photos are great as usual. I especially like the tree stump with mask etc. Cleverly done.

    1. Thanks Meta. It was a very nice visit with all of them, especially after 7 months of not seeing them!! Thanks for reading and commenting. It means a lot.
