Nancy Cycles!

Nancy Cycles!
"You got to be careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there." ... Yogi Berra

Saturday, September 12, 2020


Oh boy!

Pandemic, Social unrest with riots, election catastrophe, and NOW Wildfires and Smoke.

The fires burn all around us in the west, and we here in Seattle have huge smoke ‘bombs’ surrounding us from our own fires in eastern Washington, as well as from California and Oregon. Air Quaity is currently (as of yesterday 9/11) in the “unhealthy” range. Everyone, not only those with compromised health and breathing, is warned to stay indoors to stay healthy. With AQI being at 250 yesterday, and only dropping to 195 this morning, we are to expect that the numbers will GRADUALLY drop over the weekend. We are also to expect some rain in the next few days, and we all are so looking forward to the return of our beloved rain. 

Before the smoke took us over, I did get in a few of my daily rides.

They have now become (for me and Cindy anyway) “The Stump People”. Those nearby residents who make a different display on their front yard stump help me welcome September with some fall color. The display is changed with each holiday, the season, or a month. I love making this one of my ‘destination’ rides in my neighborhood.

Up through the very beginning of this month we have had delicious weather. Just look at the gull atop the church steeple with the deep blue sky as its backdrop. Steeple needs some loving care and a coat of paint. 

Sun shines through the arched foot bridge, making shadows welcome.

On my weekly ride with Cindy we got into some “country side” to enjoy the sunshine weather, and make another stop at that flower stand we have seen before.

Proud Grandparents live here...

...and they have some ferocious watchdogs...

Can’t be in the country without at least some cows. This one posed for me.

The flower garden where Cindy loves to purchase some flowers.

We ate our packed lunch at the gazebo again. This was the final good ridng day for September (so far).

After a day of “moderate” Air Quality, it improved just enough for me to get in at least a short ride around home. 

Bill thinks I would have worried him as being a Martian landed from outer space; Susan thinks I look like a Storm Trooper; I can’t tell if I am dressed for a bike ride or for combat!

After that ride the air quality has done nothing but get worse. My bike, being my coping mechanism these days, has been set aside for maybe a week (hopefully not more) as we stay safe against the hazardous air by sheltering in our home. Need to find another coping mechanism. 

Here is a photo from the newspaper of what Seattle looks like now...


  1. Great blog as usual, especially enjoy (what seems like so long ago) the photos of the blue skies and sunny flower fields! You managed to capture a very clever photo of me from behind too. ;-)

    1. The photo you refer to was fortuitous. I had not actually planned it, but after your comment about taking a photo from ‘behind’, I thought this would meet with you approval 😉.
