Nancy Cycles!

Nancy Cycles!
"You got to be careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there." ... Yogi Berra

Sunday, July 11, 2021


Susan and I had a very enjoyable camping outing with the California Sisters on the Fly.

We had planned this outing a few months ago, signing up for the Grandma and Grandkids camping adventure. There may have been about 20 women to join and at least half of them had a grandchild with them. Sadly, ours could not make it as they all got sick!! They had spent the week before in Alaska with Jeremy and his family, all caught some bug there, on the way home, or shortly after getting home. So we were Grandless.

Our time in the Sequoia Forest was educational as well as fun. The trail took us on a 2 mile walk with identifying pamphlet of what we were seeing. I learned a lot, which I will forget all too soon, but one thing for sure that I will remember is that the Redwoods are the tallest trees, the Sequoias are the largest trees.

They are large enough to have made a dance floor of the trunk. Here there was a wedding taking place on that dance floor.

Here is part of the upper half of that trunk.

Somewhere around 1850 a group about destroyed one of these beautiful old trees. I hope you can enlarge this photo enough to read a bit about it.

Mother of the Forest…

On our second day, as the other Grandmas with their Grands participated in kid happy activities, Susan and I packed up for a drive to find some fishing possibilities. 

We had a great and big campsite with lots of trees that shaded us for much of the day.

Not much in fishing opportunity, but the scenery was nice.

The California SOTF group were very welcoming, inclusive and fun. We had a great time and now it was time to head back to Sarah’s. 

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