Nancy Cycles!

Nancy Cycles!
"You got to be careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there." ... Yogi Berra

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


Time for the girls to have some camping/adventure time with us. Rancho Seco is about an hour drive from Sarah’s, and is the place we had taken Kate camping for a couple of nights about a year and a half ago. Susan and I were surprised how much Kate remembered about that trip.

We did as many activities that we could since we also had to work around remote school days and homework. First some bike riding.

These seem to be the two resident pelicans of the area. 

A little beach time never hurts ;’-).

Our program was interrupted for school each morning. Kate found her best place in the back part of the RV — called it her “nest”.

Lucy enjoyed attending her classes from the loft.

Some fishing time for Kate. She had three ‘missions’ for her day: catch a fish; catch a bird; have a snake fall into the pit she had made. No success on any of those, but she sure had fun trying for each one ;’-).  

Hot chocolate time is always a hit. 

We geared up with jackets and headlamps for a night time ride. This was one of the highlight activities for Kate when we were here before, and they both enjoyed it this time. Not many other places where you can do safe night time riding. Last time Kate saw the eyes of a raccoon, this time she saw a rabbit.

Kate begins two day a week school and today her mom picked her up for her first day back. Tha left Lucy for her solo night in the loft ;’-). Before Kate had to leave us we did some exploring.

We rode down to the entry gate where we have a good view of the deactivated nuclear power plant and the many many many solar panels on both sides of the road.

Grandma and Kate on the path to the Amanda Blake house. Remember her? Miss Kitty of ‘Gunsmoke’ fame.

Nothing is open there, but we got to take an look at the house.

This giant aloe plant (which I think is something like Agave plant) dwarfs Kate.

After Kate got picked up by Sarah, Lucy had hours more of school and homework, but we were able to get her out for at least a bit of biking, her visit to Amanda Blakes house, and for Grandma to take her fishing on her own. Grandma taught Lucy some fly fishing skills a few years ago, and it appears she has not lost all of those. Looks pretty good here.

We passed up a night time ride, instead Lucy got some solo riding with the ‘walkie talkie’ for backup in case she needed us for anything. She was happy to ride alone around the loops and over the ‘bumps’ on the trail. She had fun and that is the very important thing. 

We will be leaving here tomorrow for home, and that will be when I can actually post this entry. Here we have very little spotty phone reception  so I am not even able to use hotspot to post on the blog, or even write emails. ;’-(.  Fortunately the hotspot provided for remote school is a lot stronger and has allowed the girls to attend their school classes.


  1. What a treat that has been for those girls!

    1. Cannot seem to reply here.

    2. Of course once I wrote that reply — it took!
      The girls did have a great time — and we did too. Memories were made and we will make more in the near future.
      Thanks for reading and for your comment Suzanne.
