Nancy Cycles!

Nancy Cycles!
"You got to be careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there." ... Yogi Berra

Wednesday, March 31, 2021


Being a short last week for this month, there are only two rides to report but they were great rides. 

#54 March 30, 2021

My first ‘group’ ride in a year! By group I mean there were four of us 😊. There is a history about the Tuesday rides that the BIKES club continues to schedule, but would be of interest only to those of us who already know it. Those and all other club rides were on hold during the ‘stay at home’ order from our Governor. Once our state and county were cleared for Phase 2 several months ago, the club started leading small groups on local rides. Cindy has done many “social” paced rides on Tuesday and back in the normal days, I joined her on many of these rides. She now leads one periodically and with my two vax shots, the riders following protocol guidelines, and it being a small group, I felt safe to join today. 

Weather was about perfect with sun, high 40s — maybe a moment in 50 degrees. The route today took us past this fence with arrows that I always like to see.

#55 March 31, 2021

The start of our ride had both Cindy and me wearing our heavier gloves in what we thought of as frosty temps at 36 degrees. It warmed through the day and by the end of our ride we were very warm even after exchanging those gloves for lighter ones and unzipping all around! It may have gotten to the 60 degrees they said we would get today. We rode on the Burke-Gilman Trail to the University of Washington for a glimpse of the cherry blossoms. They were beautiful as usual, but were a little past their peak. Plus the trees had lost some due to our heavy winds and snow a few days ago. Great ride today was topped off with a picnic lunch purchased from Metro Market. 

Lots of people mill around the Quad this time of year to visit the cherry blossoms.

Another highlight on the way to the cherry blossoms was a ride across the brand new bridge in Bothell. It replaces the old bridge that crosses the Sammamish River which did not allow bicycles to ride on it. This new one is very nice. Behind the black ball on the fence above my handlebars Cindy waves from the bridge. Poor set up by the photographer 😏.

Cindy is good at taking selfies — got this one crossing the new bridge.


I have no idea how March got here so soon, and how now it is already gone!! Weather was not ideal for the month as we had a lot of rain, some snow, high winds a couple of days, heavy clouds. But when the sun was out, and that did happen a few days in the month, it was beautiful and enough to warm the heart and soul.

Of course the highlight for March was visiting and adventuring with the Grands in California.

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