Nancy Cycles!

Nancy Cycles!
"You got to be careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there." ... Yogi Berra

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


I think you all know by now that I am ‘challenge crazy’ and follow as many “challenges” as I can find ;’-). So the Bicycle Ride and Seek monthly challenge is right up my alley. Each month I must find 12 listed items and take a photo with at least a part of my bike in it.

Here is what this month has to say…

Yesterday’s ride took me through a neighborhood that is a bit further from home and one that I do only occasionally. This turned out a good day to do it. I needed a RAKE when I saw someone doing yard work. I pulled into the driveway and asked the woman, “may I take a photo of your rake?”.

Though she looked at me quizzically, it was not an unkind look but more like a “well ok, but is there more to this story” look. I explained what I was up to and she was very agreeable to the photo and asked if there were other items on my list. After recalling a few of the things on my list, Anita (by now we were on a first name basis, and she has a sister named Nancy) said I have one of those but you will have to walk your bike through the grass into my backyard. With a huge smile on my face I followed Anita as she took me through the gate to her back porch.

I had been wondering if I would EVER find an ANALOG thermometer!!

Anita and I spent a few more minutes in conversation about her nice backyard and future hopes to have her young grandkids safely vaccinated so they could spend time here with her. She told me she is not very good on a bike, but she walks a lot and is always interested in others’ adventures (like my Ride & Seek). We said our goodbyes and I told her I would at least wave to her if I rode by and saw her in the yard. She enthusiastiastically encouraged me to do so and off I went. I think I will do more than wave and will try to find her for a proper greeting ;’-).

I have been doing this challenge for at least five years now and many of the items are repeated so that I have even considered not doing it any more. But it gives me something to look for on a ride, and I always find a different item from the last time. But more importantly, I have met many many wonderful people by stopping to ask for a photo of something. Most items I find on my own, but when I have asked anyone, they are MOST helpful and will hold an item for me to take a photo, hold my bike while I take a photo (without my asking), or just smile and show interest. I have never had anyone be anything but nice. There are so many nice people in the world. I met one of them yesterday.

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