Nancy Cycles!

Nancy Cycles!
"You got to be careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there." ... Yogi Berra

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


I have written before that I participate in a few challenges. The three I captured today are all on one site. The challenges:

1.  Just A Ride Challenge (This month’s theme: just take a ride)

2.  Holidays Challenge (For every Holiday: find anything relating to a current holiday)

3.  Cycle Days Challenge (Ongoing year around: one photo for each day’s ride)

#36 NOVEMBER 24, 2020

It would be just a ride today. Something between mist and drizzle welcomed me as I started riding from home at 8:30. I intended a relatively short ride this morning and with no destination in mind, I had no idea what I could possibly find for my picture of the day. Just a little more than a mile from home the misty drizzle stopped, and I had a dry ride all the way until I was within a mile from home where it either started again, or had continued while I was gone.

Just riding, I came across a couple of things to like — the butterfly on a stone, the trike in the window of an otherwise empty building, and leaves that have fallen and become less colorful.

I suppose when most of us think of Thanksgiving we picture turkey. Food is probably the next image that comes to mind, and a gaggle of family surrounding us at the table. I am seeing more Christmas decorations already, but was pleased to find at least a few Thanksgiving reminders.

What will be my photo of the day??? And then this. I approached the two women who were handing out lunches at the nearby elementary school and told them of my plight. Immediately, before I even finished my story, one of them moved the stuffed animal to a more prominent spot on the table, and both women told me they were smiling for me. How great is that????


  1. Great photo of the day - you can really see in spite of the maskes that those women are smiling.

  2. Thanks Suzanne. I love stopping for people shots when the right possibility comes along. I first passed by them and thought to stop on the way out of the school lot. So glad I did.
