Nancy Cycles!

Nancy Cycles!
"You got to be careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there." ... Yogi Berra

Sunday, October 11, 2020


One more day of riding on the trail was a repeat of our ride to Harrison. Though I would have loved a ride on another part of the trail, it would involve packing up camp to drive to a distanced trailhead. Some of the ‘sisters’ were planning a ride to Harrison for today, and we thought we might join them and determine if we were comfortable with how they follow protocol of social distance and masks. As it turned out, many of the riders decided to start the ride later, like at noon, and two (Sue and Johnnie) asked us if we wanted to join them for an earlier start. YES!

As we left camp and passed by the visitor center I thought to take this photo of some history of Heyburn State Park. It is an interesting read. 

Both Sue and Johnnie have pedal assist eBikes, so we were all on equal ground. They don’t bike as much or as far as we often do, so the 22 round trip flat ride for them would be perfect. 

This sign will show the entire trail, and where we are.

At the top left of the above sign is an inset that indicates the trail crossing almost the entire panhandle of Idaho.

We stopped at the top of the bridge to take in some views around the lake. This is the only vantage point for me to get a photo of the sign indicating the year of he bridge. Backwards, but you can see 1921.

Once in Harrison we tried the bike shop for a pump as Sue’s tires were quite low. The shop was closed but the adjoining cafe was not. We pulled up a stool to the outdoor table and had our lunch.

Both Sue and Jonnie are very conscious of wearing their mask when needed, or keeping distance when near others. Here Sue ‘photo bombs’ my training photo for coffeeneurring ;’-).I told her what I was in training for and she found that quite funny — training to ride minimum of 2 miles for coffee 7 times over the next 7 weeks!! She also is interested in learning more about this challenge so I am sending that to her and hopefully she will join up 🤗🚴‍♀️.

I went off to the library while they hung out for a while and Susan used her bike pump to add air to Sue’s tires. The other day the library had a sign out that WiFi and phones were down. Today they were up again and I could post the past two days of the blog, check email and answer a few if only briefly. It has been very frustrating to not have any access to be able to post here, but — I have gotten used to it and it is not so bad to be off the grid for a while. For the blog I can write everything off line and then post when I find services.

As I sat at the outdoor table of the library this sign kind of struck out to me.

Once everyone was finished with what we were each doing, Sue and Johnnie headed back to camp while Susan caught up on some online newspaper reading and downloaded some for later, and I finished answering emails I had gotten.

It was a great opportunity to get to know two of the sisters better, and we really enjoyed our time with Sue (who lives in Fairfield WA just across the ID border) and Johnnie (who lives near Superior Montana). Tomorrow (Saturday) there is at 100% chance of rain for the day, so that will be a rest, read and relax day. We will be leaving here on Sunday to points yet to be decided.

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