This is the easiest and quickest thing for me to post while I work on the SOTF TWO ISLAND event post. It at least catches me up on this. ;’-).
#94 June 1, 2021
I joined Cindy’s Tuesday ride for a delicious day in the sun! Blue sky all around with fluff from the cottonwood treees making it seem we were riding in snow!
A somewhat us usually stop on the bridge crossing the slough for a group photo.
#95 June 2, 2021
Cindy invited me to join her for a ride to deliver some goodies to her grandaughter on her birthday. She would not be seeing Alice until well after her actual birthday (today) and wanted to surprise her. Cindy packed up the goods and I volunteered to carry the balloon in my pannier, and we took off form Bothel toward Kirkland.
Alice was thrilled that her Grandma rode her bike to wish her a Happy Birthday. Leaving Alice, we rode on to Redmond for lunch at the park ant to Woodinbille back to our ride start.
This lone woman reading her book is the shade of the archway caught my attention for my photo of the day.
Around the corner was a hopeful sign…

#96 June 4, 2021
I had a solo ride on this final full sun day before some rain finds us for the next couple of days. That is ok as we need the rain and I need some time off the bike, as well as to prepare for you upcoming week of an RV outing. You can see the clouds arriving for our rain days. They add a nice background for the photo. (On the list for one of my bike challenges is a steeple — I found one ;’-))

#97 June 7, 2021
Sisters On The Fly (SOTF) outing took us back to Fidalgo Bay Resort where we had taken the Grandboys Etienne and Andre for their camping adventure last month. This time we will be staying for four nights with the plan of riding on Lopez and San Juan Island on two separate days.
Arriving on Monday, before much got started with anything group, I took myself on a relatively short ride around March Point. Approaching the Tommy Thompson Trail I was treated to a visit with the lone heron.
The route circles around the Shell Oil Refinery which is no big attraction, but riding along the bay for half of the route is nice.

I have done this ride many times and always like seeing the old train car in the middle of the field. It has been there for many years.

One other photo I took is one that I see all the time and seldom to never seem to have the opportunity to take a picture. That is mainly because I am riding with a group and it is hard to stop, and there seemed little interest of doing so. I have dubbed it the “duck rock”, but I am sure that I am not the only one who calls it that.

#98 June 8, 2021
There is a whole story connected to this photo as it is part of our Sisters On The Fly Outing “Two Island Tour”. This photo is taken on Lopez Island at Sharks Reef. Such a perfect day.
#99 June 9, 2021
This day we cycled on San Juan Island and more of the story is on a separate post about this idyllic day.

#100 June 10, 2021
On our last day of this event I led 10 riders around March Point and we were fortunate to see the rook? Flock? Group? I JUST LEARNED THEY ARE CALLED A ‘SEIGE) of herons at feeding time at low tide. Once again I say, more to the story will be on the post about our trip.
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