Nancy Cycles!

Nancy Cycles!
"You got to be careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there." ... Yogi Berra

Friday, June 11, 2021

SOTF TWO ISLAND TOUR (Day 1 Lopez Island)

Arriving on Monday, I was allowed to take that bike ride around March Point that will be mentioned in the post just before this one. We have met Nese (pronounced just like your niece) at another SOTF outing and this time we are parked next to her at the campground. I would be amiss to not show her off here a little.

Nese’s trailer. Those most decorated, and so tastefully done.

Nese herself. Always with that warm and welcoming smile.

In her regalia to match her trailer motif.

A reel sister.

We had three wonderful days with 20+ “Sisters”. Our first outing for the event was to take the ferry to Lopez Island. In the ferry parking lot Susan and I spotted our first wildlife!

There is a man who comes along apparently every morning (we saw him both mornings we were there) pulling a little trailer thing with some kind of feed for them. They wait for him every day, and on the second morning, we were there for the actual feeding time when the whole family of at least 8 raccoons shows up for breakfast time.

Then it was time to wait for and get in line for the ferry.

The ferry attendant put us in a corner all our own and we parked our bikes in a safe place for the hour long crossing.

Everyone was happy to have a photo of our first crossing to the islands.

Trading the sea voyage for our land trek, we first encounter the iconic bike on a barn shot.

We all needed a stop of course as we had ridden almost 5 miles by now. Tea, coffee and pastry was in order.

Then we were on the road for real. As is usual in group rides, people gravitated to those they were comfortable riding with - those of similar pace and riding style (stopping for photos at any given moment ;’-)). 

Gina and Judy joined Susan and me and we formed the The Fearsome Foursome.

Gina ensures that we are on the right track for our visit to Shark Reef. Yep, we are ok.

My relic find for today.

Shark Reef serves as our lunch spot with a water view. Being on different riding “schedules”, some arrived before our Foursome and we joined together for lunch on the rocks. Others were arriving as we departed. Plenty of seating available for lunch ;’-).

Sightings along the way 

The Fearsome Foursome: Susan, Gina, Judy, and me behind the camera.

About next two photos. I stood on the road and in no way even TOUCHED any part of the property of this home. A woman came out her door and was saying something. For once I think my poor hearing was an advantage as I could in no way determine what she was saying. So I kept taking the photos, and even said to her how cute that gnome was. I finished up my photo taking and my companions told me she was telling us that taking photos was an invasion of her privacy. HUH??? Why were these things on display? We were not all that close to her property and these things were not hidden somewhere. Anyway, we determined that we were not trespassing and were not invading, and perhaps she was out there protecting a meth house? Move on.

Just a bit further on, as we near the ending of our tour for the day we sweep down what I think is the most picturesque part of the route. Down to and around a curve comes the residential area by the bay with outstanding views. Residents have provided a few curiosities along the (private) beach that catch our attention.

Now we were done and back on the ferry for “home”.

Our gathering in the evening involved this….everyone brought something delightful and set up at Nese’s campsite.

And then we said goodnight… Good night new friends, thank you for such a grand day.


  1. I take photos too of what is in front of people’s houses. But I always feel uncomfortable , because I know some people feel it is an invasion of their privacy.
    Looks like you had a great time and the photos and sceneries are just lovely.

    1. HI Meta, I do not get notified when I have a comment here and am just seeing this. I did get your email with the comment though. I have not always had wifi available to check my blog comments, but please know how much I appreciate any from you.

  2. I just commented , but I don’t see that it went through.
