Nancy Cycles!

Nancy Cycles!
"You got to be careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there." ... Yogi Berra

Monday, June 21, 2021


There would be no bike ride today and we would get our bit of exercise on a nature walk led by Neil who it the volunteer program coordinator for this campground.

A tiny bit more about the campground first. 1) Showers are free, and there is no shortage of hot water. 2) Garbage and recycling must be taken to the garbage and recycling place out past the check in booth. 3) Susan and I stopped at the Corner Store on the road to camp yesterday and purchased something I had read about, and we thought would be a good idea.

Here is the extensive recycling center that not all people follow the signs for — we saw milk jugs in the newspaper slot, and some boxes not flattened!! We find this the most organized and informative recycling we have seen. If having campers be inconvenienced just a little saves the State Park money to allow for free showers, we like it.

I had seen a post somewhere on a camping site that mentioned some sort of light ‘caftan’ for lack of a better word, as good for wearing to and from the shower. The Corner Store stop proved lucrative and we bought two. They are a delight and in this heat, a life changer. No standing to balance on one foot after the shower, not wrestling into underwear and clothing that is difficult to put on when your body is still damp, and dampening more as you dress, and cooling as you relax back at your site ;’-).

Keep in mind that neither of us is a “dress” person. So this is a stretch for us.

Susan wanted the blue one…

I got the orange-ish one…

OK, so that was yesterday. Today we had about maybe a half mile nature walk that took just about 2 hours!!! Did I mention it is hot here? We were in the sun a lot, and although Neil is a nice guy, he is lonnnnnng winded and told so many stories that I more or less tuned out for much of it, and some I could not even hear. Being one of only three of us, there was no way I could escape, so I sat uncomfortably and painfully on a rock for our final bit of ‘lecture’. 

Starting out on the little trail looked promising.

We learned (a lot) about the fire of 2015.

I found a painted rock.

We stopped to look (a lot) at the pond.

The most interesting part for me was the BATS part. We see the ‘Bat Hotel’.

On each “room” is a carving identifying it as for bats.

In each of these rooms, 40-100 bats will take occupancy. They enter from the bottom and there is a hierarchy as the older bats get the top bunk. As much as many of us dislike even the thought of bats, they are very beneficial to the environment, and we have these bats to thank for our bug free camping here.

Sitting on that uncomfortable rock is where we learned that we had been seeing Mount Jefferson — not Mount Hood. 

Here is Mount Hood.

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