Nancy Cycles!

Nancy Cycles!
"You got to be careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there." ... Yogi Berra

Saturday, September 14, 2019


Driving home on the North Cascades Highway made a good big loop of this trip, We got the chance to stop for the view of Diablo Lake. Always a treat to see, and we think of the time we were on a kayak tour on the lake.

Do not underestimate the power of whining ;’-). I moaned to Susan that what I do not like about the kind of travel one does in an RV is not enough exercise, and NOT NEARLY enough bicycling (for me). Susan listened quietly and had silent thoughts about my whines. She ensured that this morning we would do the longer walk around the upper and lower campsites, and that I would do two laps around our smaller campsite while she finished closing up the RV. YES!

As we approached the town of Newhalem Susan had the plan that I would get on my bike to ride around the small village and get my needed photo (for a challenge I am doing) of the train engine on display.

This would involve a very short ride so I had a thought to ride from Newhalem and meet Susan in Marblemount, a mere 17 miles away. Not only did Susan agree to my idea, she got my bike geared up for me while I got myself geared for the ride.

I love riding my bike. I truly and wholly like our new RV that will take us to lots of places (and I do love it for that) — now and well into the future. But sitting on the saddle of my bike is no comparison to being in the seat of the RV! I love feeling the wind on my face, taking in the surrounding scents and nuances, and seeing things at a much slower pace. Things that one often misses when driving  a motor vehicle.

I don’t think Susan noticed that BIG FOOT had apparently crossed my path moments before I got there! Evidenced by the freshness of the prints.

The reason “it” is called Big Foot...

I like seeing upclose old things — barns and outbuildings as well as cars and farm machinery.

Susan had timed her departure from Newhalem to arrive in town just as I was arriving.

We loaded up my bike and continued on our journey home. We had been dithering about whether to spend another night camping or to get home. Smelling the barn, we opted for home. Thus ending Fall 2019 Adventure #3.

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